

Filter select your entries based on up to three different criteria:

  1. a date range
  2. toggle states
  3. a list of patterns

You'll find the filter button in the Storyline, in Reports and in Search. Due to their nature the available filter criteria vary:

  • In the Storyline you can only filter by toggle states and pattern
  • In the Reports you can only filter by date range and pattern
  • In the Search you can filter by date range, toggle states and pattern.

 All filter criteria behave similar when empty: If you don't select a date range, ALL dates are selected. If you don't select a toggle state, ALL toggle states are selected. If you don't select a pattern, ALL patterns are selected. 

Filter by date range

To filter by date range click on either the text field for 'From date' or 'To date'. A dialog to choose a date range will appear. First select a 'From date'. Then tap on a 'End date' and press 'Set filter'.


The chosen date range will be shown in the filter.


If you want to clear the date range you can press the circle-with-checkmark-button. 


Filter by toggle states

As soon as you give the toggle states a meaning for your pattern, you might want to filter your entries by toggle state. An obvious example is a pattern 'Todo'. You can mark open todos with a visible (amber) toggle state. And done todos can be indicated with the toggled (green) toggle state.


To filter by toggle state just tap on the states you want to select. They will be shown in blue with their color, if selected. Grey otherwise. In the picture the states 'Visible' (amber) and 'Toggled' (green) are selected.


Let's stick to the example of the todo list: If you want to see a list of open todos, you'd select only the 'Visible' (amber) toggle state (and the respective pattern, that you use for your todos). 


If you want to clear all toggle states you can press the circle-with-checkmark-button.

If you want to choose all toggle states you can press the circle-without-checkmark-button.

Remember: No chosen toggle state is the same as all toggle states. 


Filter by patterns

The most obvious filter is on patterns. 

Only used patterns are shown in the filter dialog! If you haven't used a pattern so far, if there is no entry from a pattern, then this pattern is not shown as a possible filter.

All pattern are shown with their color, icon and text. 


To filter a specific pattern tap on it. It will be displayed all colored with white font. 

To deselect it, tap the pattern again. It will be displayed with dark font on white background.

The count of selected patterns is indicated in the section header 'Filter by pattern (X/Y): X is the number of selected patterns. Y is the number of all used patterns.



To deselect all patterns tap on the circle-without-checkmark-button.

To select all patterns tap on the circle-with-checkmark-button.

Remember: Selecting all patterns is the same as selecting no pattern at all.


To find specific patterns you want to select you can scroll thru the list or you might use the search field. To use the search field you can follow this procedure: 

  • Deselect all pattern
  • Enter the name of the first pattern you want to filter (e.g. 'Jogging') and presse Done.
  • All patterns that are named 'Jogging' are additionally selected.
  • Enter the name of the second pattern you want to filter (e.g. 'Fitness') and press Done. 
  • All patterns that are named 'Fitness' are additionally selected.
  • ...


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